
Web portal DanubeForestHealth

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Data exchange

The Data of the DanubeForestHealth system are public and available for download.

Only data that has been verified and marked correctly are included In the download.

When using the data, the user must agree terms of use of data.


The data are quoted as follows:

DanubeForestHealth-Information system for reporting the occurrence of diseases and pests in the forests of the Danube region, danubeforesthealth.eu. Slovenian Forestry Institute, DANUBE Interreg (data transfer date).

Data formats

Data from the DanubeForestHealth system are available in the following formats:

Import data into DanubeForestHealth system

Individuals and organizations may contribute data to the DanubeForestHealth system from their existing databases.

The Process of importing data into the DanubeForestHealth system:

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